Sunday, December 16, 2007

Walvoord’s Brief Period of Preparation – Mediterranean Peace, Force Agencies, Oil, Polities, Globalisation and Diplomacy

Re-reading John Walvoord’s Armegeddon, Oil and the Middle East Crisis – Revised Edition, specifically regarding Daniels’ Seven Year period Walvoord maps the first 3 ½ years as a time where,

…a number of preliminary moves, which are predicted in the Bible, will shape the political, economic, and religious climate necessary for end-times events. These preliminary moves are now falling into place in rapid succession. As these moves are completed, a more specific timetable of events can begin. The final countdown involves a brief period of preparation with the last seven years clearly delineated1.

Walvoord’s 1974 writings fit today’s energy driven polities climate, mechanically interwoven in the illusive hope for global peace through deceptive modern diplomacy. It is this drive that has the world in a state of perpetual flux. A flux that evolves around the Middle East specifically Israel.

As the will of Annapolis presses peace upon a disenchanted world participants have etched the final solution with a Two State agenda for the Palestinians and Israelis. Fortunately yet unfortunately not all Israelis see this draped euphemistic initiative as the core for peace in the Middle East. As such, some Israelis are being targeted for their radical ideologies and will progressively be dealt with a forceful hand to achieve this peaceful end. In rapid succession international force agencies, such as NATO, will be called upon.

It is force agencies such as NATO that are already transforming it self to meet this need. Force Agency’s technology is a factor. Raytheon recently met that call by supplying a new NATO surveillance system. But a greater petition is needed for money and troops, hence enters Germany and France. Although the Germanic peoples have resisted a post WWII force they are being called upon to help stabilize the Afghanistan region. In fact, Angela Merkel believes in succession with the new EU’s reform treaty, energy security and transatlantic relations will bring NATO alongside the new EU. Look for Germany to be ready to help stabilize Mediterranean energy issues.

It is this pursuit for energy security that brings Empires to the region. In Steve Levine’s current book entitled, The Oil and The Glory - The Pursuit of Empire And Fortune In The Caspian Sea”, energy security of the nineties has propelled today’s polities to stake their claim and future. Walvoord saw the coming crisis,

The coming crisis in the Middle East cannot be far away. The oil supply of the Middle East may run out in another generation. If the Middle East is to rise to power, now is its hour of opportunity. If the Arab world is to attain its goals, it must act quickly2.

Today’s energy centered Empires are in hot acquisition for control and power of energy resources, but more importantly realize this, it will be non governing bodies that will assist in these pursuits thus shaping our future way of life.

These polities, that is, non governing bodies, sometimes loose societies, communities, political or in some cases non-political groups, yet definitely humanity minded, will exert its influence upon national and even global interests. Walvoord wrote,

In our modern world all forms of representative and democratic governments will continue to be plagued by overwhelming problems. These will tend to undermine efforts at strong and resolute world leadership. As both domestic and international problems increase, the world will look for a new leader to act decisively to end turmoil precipitated by the Middle East crisis. Both the need and the tools for the control of the world by one strong ruler exist today. The increasing availability of nuclear weapons, the propaganda power of the world media, and the blackmail power of international agreements and embargoes make it possible for a world dictator to seize control of the world in a way that would have been impossible in any previous generation3.

The polity tools needed for this fourth and final world empire before Christ Jesus’ return are already around us. It’s just a matter of how globalisationalists vs. non-globalisationalists will utilize them. An upcoming book, which will be published through the United Nations University Press, gives us insight into these tools and the dilemma facing diplomats of the people.

In a preview chapter entitled, “Globalisation and Diplomacy” written by Iver B. Neumann from the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs he cites the term “Globalisation” as meaning De-territorialisation. If this is indeed the true essence of the global village then a series of hurdles will have to be addressed.

The main problems for diplomats progressing the globalisation agenda are

1.) Territories - (Space)

2.) The speed of information - (Time)

3.) The amount of information - (Density)

Turning public sentiments to eliminating sovereign territories in the name of globalisation can only succeed by, “the principle composers of globalisation” – JOURNALISTS. Widening their recruiting practices they will be seeking more “diplomats of mankind” type of journalists, small dialectical group think opportunities, non-citizens and QUANGO’s (quasi-autonomous non-governmental organizations).

Look also for retired diplomats of all fields to aid in the de-territorialisation process.

This new order of diplomacy will utilize info gathering, negotiation, communication, easing friction and an appearance of representing the state. Globalisation will end the old hierarchy and implant a new order.

The new art of diplomacy will be pro-active that is, “orchestrating social situations in advance, in the hope that the outcome will be more favorable than it would otherwise have been”.

As I read this paper I remembered what Walvoord envisioned in regards to the emerging “Pax Romana” new order,

The essential bargaining chips of the new order are to restore peace, guarantee the flow of oil, and stop disruption in the Middle East 4….The trends of international intrigue in Europe and the Middle East point to the necessity for an alliance of nations to bring peace and economic prosperity to that area 5….It is very possible that an international peacekeeping force and secure boundaries may be guaranteed by the new and powerful Ten-Nation Confederacy….the key issue in negotiations will be the city of Jerusalem itself…undoubtedly there will be a strong attempt to make Jerusalem an international city, with free access not only for Jews but for Christians and Muslims as well. The temple area may be internationalized, and Israel’s territorial conquests will be greatly reduced6.

Walvoord's "Brief Period of Preparation" speaks volumes to the avid Bible Prophecy student, as it should.

I sincerely believe the intriguing coincidences and events we are witnessing is not just happenstance.

The insight God has given to the few will surely be needed for the many who cannot assemble all the pieces.

So let us be sober minded as our times intensifies.

1. John F. Walvoord, “Armegeddon, Oil, and the Middle East Crisis”, Revised Edition, Ch. 2 pg 24

2. John F. Walvoord, “Armegeddon, Oil, and the Middle East Crisis”, Revised Edition,

Ch. 4 pg 63

3. John F. Walvoord, “Armegeddon, Oil, and the Middle East Crisis”, Revised Edition,

Ch. 12 pg 162

4. John F. Walvoord, “Armegeddon, Oil, and the Middle East Crisis”, Revised Edition,

Ch. 9 pg 121

5. John F. Walvoord, “Armegeddon, Oil, and the Middle East Crisis”, Revised Edition,

Ch. 10 pg 131

6. John F. Walvoord, “Armegeddon, Oil, and the Middle East Crisis”, Revised Edition,

Ch. 10 pg 133


johnny said...


In his book, Walvoord sees The Brief Period of Preparation occurring BEFORE the seven years.

After again, re-reading the Subtitle Heading "Seven Year Plus" it is MY conjecture that we could be seeing the first 3 1/2 years as his period of preparation.

I mis-read that because I saw a new parallel with his brief period of preparation elements and the elements we are seeing around us today.

Would Walvoord see the same parallel elements occuring right now?

Would he change his position?

Regardless, I apologize for any confusion and stand corrected.

Hope I didn't ruffle any rooster feathers in the Prophecy Hen House.

Constance Cumbey said...


Very interesting. Herb Peters would have immensely enjoyed reading and digesting this!
