Friday, November 16, 2007

Russian Federation Council Officially Ends CFE Treaty - Check!

It's official.

The Russian Federation Council today, 11-16-07, has unanimously agreed to abandon the Conventional Forces in Europe (CFE) treaty agreeing with the State Duma's decision from 11-7-07 .

Citing Russian security and archaic Post Cold War ideology, Vladimir Putin's moratorium suspends the CFE Treaty beginning December 12, 2007.

This move by Russia sets an historical precedent that will cap this years end to Russian dormancy in regards to its security.

"In other moves contributing to Cold War-style tensions, Putin and other top Russian officials this year have renewed long-distance strategic bomber patrols, as well as threatened to retarget nuclear missiles at European cities, and to withdraw from other bedrock disarmament treaties".

Despite what European Union Javier Solana's upcoming recommendations are with Iran and Israel and the Annapolis Summit, he's just been put in Check by Russia.

"Riding a tide of petrodollars and growing influence on key international issues such as the Iranian nuclear programme and the status of Kosovo, Russia's authorities are in no mood to compromise".

IF NATO countries can ratify the modified version Russia COULD resume its pact, BUT, Russia has already started work on a NEW Federal Programme for the development of its armed forces. This is an end to an historic arms treaty and the beginning to a new global security paradigm.

A new Russian security plan will be unveiled shortly.

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