Saturday, November 10, 2007

"US obsession with the Iranian threat and with finding an exit strategy from the Iraqi quagmire made Washington less attentive to Turkey’s legitimate vital national interests, says Nicola Nasser
a veteran Arab journalist in Kuwait, UAE, Jordan and Palestine; based in Bir Zeit, West Bank of the Israeli-occupied territories".

Though tensions seem to continue prior to the Annapolis Summit this view from a Pro-Arab-Palestinian journalist should still be archived for future reference. Particular interest to NATO expansion southward, Turkey, U.S. Counter-terrorism strategies and OIL beckons resolution.

Could international resolution be around the corner?

Will the Annapolis Summit finally solidify that we are indeed in Daniel's 70th Week?

Are parts of John Walvoord's Armegeddon, Oil and The Middle East Crisis becoming reality?

As each expression of fulfilled bible prophecy continues to be painted around and before us I pray we not ignore the changing colors of the fig leaves.

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